Friday, October 14, 2011

Music appreciation class

This year in our music appreciation class we have listen to many different types of music as well as learn terms of music such as rhythm, texture, melody,  and harmony.

We have listen to music from the 1900's, 1800's, and the 1700's. The main thing i remember listening to classical music. I personally don't like classical music but I guess it's okay. We learned the elements of music like rhythm, texture, melody, and harmony. Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. Like what we learned its kinda like the beating of the drums but it can be the guitar, piano, or any other music interments. Texture is really hard to explain but its like how much is going on the song or piece of music, if there is a lot going on in the music then the texture is thick, but if there really isn't a lot going on. Melody is when one or more musical notes are repeated throughout a song. Like heard in jazz music.  Harmony is how the well the sounds work together. A good example of harmony would be like in a church chorus.
We have also learned about  Homophonic, monophonic, and polyphonic. Homophonic is meaning where the parts in the music move together instead of by themselves. Monophonic is having just one person singing instead of an entire group. Polyphonic is being put in more than one part for singers and instruments.

Favorite period of music is a mix between the 90's and today's. My favorite group from the 90's would be Gun n Roses. Today my favorite bands would be Nickleback and Breaking Benjamin.

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